PhD Thesis タイトルをクリックすると京都大学学術情報リポジトリに飛びます.論文のダウンロードも可能です. 2024.11.25山崎 皓平A Study on Gas Transport Phenomena in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes:Quantification of Bimodal Pore Structure and Its Effects on Gas Transport Properties2022.9.26Mao RunzeDevelopment of a multipoint temperature measurement system based on resistance network and its application to solid oxide fuel cells2021.3Seo HaewonMesoscale structural modification for anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell:Effects of corrugated structures fabricated through microextrusion printing2020.9.23杉原 真一Experimental Study of a Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell: Thermal Effects of Steam-Methane Reforming Reactions2020.3.23寺本 勝行Reforming Characteristics of Methane–Ammonia Mixed Fuel on Ni–YSZ Catalyst:Fundamental Study toward Application to SOFC2019.3.25佐藤 理航空機用エアサイクル空気調和システムの挙動解析手法に関する研究2018.11.26Tan Wee ChoonNumerical Investigation of Ammonia-fueled Planar SOFC Stack-Internal and External Cooling Effects2016.3.23大森 寛子A Numerical Study of Solid Oxide Iron-Air Battery: Thermodynamic Analysis and Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics2013.3.25岸本 将史Three-Dimensional Microstructure of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode: Observation, Quantification, and Application to Numerical Analysis2013.3.25Wongchanapai SuranatDevelopment of Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Model and its Applications for Biomass Power Generation2013.3.25Kyaw Kyaw LinA Comprehensive Method to Estimate the Rate of Steam Methane Reforming over Surface Catalyst2011.5.23紺野 昭生Novel Performance Enhancement Method by Mesoscale-Structure Control of Electrode-Electrolyte Interface in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells2010.3.23加賀 邦彦冷媒相変化と水分移動を考慮した熱回路網モデルによる空気調和用熱交換器の性能予測手法に関する研究2005.3.23小田 豊Characteristics of thermoelectric power generation with rectangular-fin elements and its applicability in micro systems